NaNoWriMo My Own Version


Yeah, doing things my way.

NaNoWriMo is upon the writing community, again. 50,000 words in the month of November towards a novel. I’d tried it in the past, but never succeeded. The closest I came was my first attempt when I still had dreams of making it as a self-published author of fantasy. What I wrote was not that good. But, it was a draft. That said, I self-published it anyway after some editing. And quickly removed it.

In the few years after, I had grandiose plans to write 50,000 words towards a variety of fantasy novels, all of which fell waaaaaaaaaaay short of the goal. I still have the drafts I’d started, and still have a desire to finish them, but not strong enough to stop writing children’s books. I do dabble in them once in a while.

After moving to children’s books, I changed my goals of one novel to a couple drafts of middle grade or chapter book stories, mixed with several picture book drafts. Anything that would total 50,000 words.

Yeah, that never worked, either. I never finished one MG or Chapter Book draft during the NaNo allotted time.

Not an image of me sitting on my ass.

Not an image of me sitting on my ass.

This year, I’m doing something different. Something I’ve won aged to write and now have a dedicated month to make myself sit on my ass and create.

My goals?

Plot out the second early chapter book in a fantasy, write the draft (about 9,000 words), create a map of the world, and create character charts for the main characters and reoccurring minor characters.

It’s three days in and I’ve done the outline, along with a couple ideas left over for a third, and written the first chapter of eleven.

Not a bad start. And? I’m motivated to keep on going!

How about you? At you NaNo-ing?